Individual Student Behavior
Disrespectful, Challenging and Disruptive Student Behavior
can cause loss of academic instructional time as well as contribute to future social/emotional development of students. Educators learn how to use a function-based approach to critically look at students to develop replacement behaviors, reinforcement systems and evidenced-based interventions to address non-compliant and disruptive behavior.
Individual Student Professional Development Trainings Include:
Designing Tier 2 and 3 Behavior Supports Systems
Lean how to develop systematic schoolwide and districtwide plans for implementing Tier 2 and Tier 3 supports for behavior. When a student has not responded to universal proactive and positive behavior management, the student may benefit from one or more additional behavior interventions. This training will cover how to set up efficient team processes for identifying students and creating and implementing effective intervention plans. This training will also provide information on how to implement numerous evidence-based behavior interventions.
Behavioral Interventions
A major concern of many teachers is that one student who chronically misbehaves in spite of good classroom management. This training focuses on helping teachers identify factors that contribute to any chronic misbehavior in order to design a behavior improvement plan. The session begins with a look at early-stage interventions (e.g., planned discussion, goal setting, data collection and debriefing, and improving positive interactions). If these are not effective, a function-based intervention is likely needed. Such an intervention analyzes setting events and contributing factors such as lack of information or skill, need for attention, need for power or control, escape, and more. Intervention strategies are presented for each of these major functions.